LEX Research Network


May-Len Skilbrei is professor of criminology at the University of Oslo where her research and teaching revolve around the role of criminal law in meeting gendered and sexual harms. Her publications include the book Prostitution Policy in the Nordic Region: Ambiguous Sympathies (Ashgate 2013/Routledge 2016), the edited book Rape in the Nordic Countries: Continuities and Change (Routledge 2020) and articles about human trafficking and prostitution in e.g. British Journal of Criminology, Annual Review of Criminology, Ethnos and Feminist Review. She is currently heading the research project “Medical, legal and lay understandings of physical evidence in rape cases (Evidently Rape)”. You can read more about Skilbrei’s projects and publications here: <https://www.jus.uio.no/ikrs/english/people/aca/mlskilbr/
LEX Research Network